The Clean Food Market Report

Last Updated: 06 Jan. 2022

The clean food market is a combination of niche markets including clean aquaculture, vertical/indoor farming, farming automation/robotics and clean chemicals (generally enzyme based). While some of these markets are in their infancy, all are expected to grow CAGR 10% - 20%. At the start of 2022, we revised our market sizes upward to take into account investments and growth related to existing labor market and transportation shortages that provide vertical farming and farming automation with distinct advantages. The pandemic has required that we revise our model to take into account new realities.

How are model works: CleanFoodTech tracks over one hundred companies across each niche market, follows private equity deals, reviews sales data, monitors public company data and factors in commodity pricing and consumes reliable sources of information that we do not disclose — its our secret sauce! We have developed an evolving model that is designed to adjust to black swan events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our market size projections use 2021 as a starting point and project out to 2028, in all four clean markets. Many of the companies we follow are disruptive, each taking on climate change and using innovative technology to solve the need for sustainable, clean sources of food and consumer products. Disruptive companies can be very difficult to value, a new breakthrough technology could rocket market size faster than our analytic models can be revised. Conversely, volatility is another hallmark of market disruptors. Individual company valuations can vary widely during industry disruption, which can impact the accuracy of our model. The larger markets where these companie compete are vast.

Governments at both the local and national level are also starting to contribute to the clean food market. New York City has passed local laws supporting urban farming initiatives that help urban growers like Gotham Greens and Farm.One. Countries like Singapore have been making investments through their sovereign wealth funds in growing their green portfolio. Countries are recognizing the need to diversify their sources of food and invest in farming technologies that mitigate the impacts of climate change. Sustainable farming will become the new norm providing growers with greater control and less dependant on unreliable weather.

2021 Market Sizes

  • Clean Aquaculture Market: $1.8 Billion
  • Farming Automation/Robotics: $7.7 Billion
  • Vertical/Indoor Farming: $13.3 Billion
  • Clean Chemicals: $8.1 Billion
  • These are exciting times in the clean food industry. We will be releasing our market size report projecting out to 2028 soon. The clean food market model is being updated to reflect changes brought on by the pandemic and increased investment in clean food.

    Do your own due diligence. Our analysis and model could be wrong and it should never be relied upon as the sole reason to make any investments. Always do your own research. Read our terms.