Clean Food Tech is all about chronicling the world's transition to clean, sustainable food sources that are resilient to climate change. A New Generation of Technology is Leading The Way! We can't wait to produce content telling you all about it.

We are journalists, entrepreneurs, industry experts, academics and investors focused on the production of new, clean food sources. We are dedicated to producing content to inform and educate people about the nonprofits, companies and technologies that are leading this revolution in clean food.

Climate Change will bring massive changes to how we produce food. Increasing droughts, severe weather, environmental degradation will all drastically alter how we grow, distribute and sell food. Vertical farming, aquaculture, hydroponics, indoor farming — it's all part of the future of farming, it's the answer to the problem.. As society meets the challenges created by climate changes it will be the entrepreneur-farmer that helps lead the way. also publishes an investment newsletter and private placement deal book

  • When a writer or contributer writes about a stock or company that he or she has a position or interest in, that fact is disclosed at the end of the article.
  • Affiliates may provide investment advice and information on investment products. These companies or guest writers may recommend or hold securities mentioned on our website. Editorial staff have no knowledge of any affiliates' holdings and/or specific recommendations, and the affiliates' staff have no knowledge of any editorial content before it is published.
  • Information contained in the newsletter and website should always be confirmed by your own research. Our writing about a company or its stock is not a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Investing in the stock market can result in the loss of your money and investment strategies should be based on an individual assessment of risk. Do Your Own Due Diligence
  • Stocks included in the investment newsletter may include but are not limited to the following markets:

    • NASDAQ
    • NYSE
    • OTC
    • Options
    • Private Placements
    • Venture Capital

    These markets can be volatile, however, we are big believers in the growth of clean food markets and embrace a long-term investment strategy. Picking individual stocks is hard!. That's why we focus on companies with leading technologies private and public to help guide our investment thesis on a particular trade. We also recommend a broad basket of securities across a wide range of industries for any individual investor. Always do your own research.

    — The Team